Never feel the pain of nipple chaffing again when you use the Pro-Tec LiquiCell Nipple Protectors. Advanced liquid technology protects against nipple chafing and abrasions on even your longest runs.
The sealed liquid in LiquiCell Nipple Protectors circulates over the skin’s surface area to reduce friction. With an easy to use and completely safe peel and stick application, the bandage stays in place for extended periods of time and can be used for multiple runs.** Not recommended to leave same bandage on for more than 72 hours at a time. Consult your physician if you have any existing skin conditions or bandage causes any issues.
Other bandages may provide a thin cushion but will not reduce the friction level against your skin like that of a LiquiCell Nipple Protector, where the sealed liquid is in constant flow. The LiquiCell Nipple Protectors are also lower profile and less cumbersome than other brands.
LiquiCell is an external version of our bodys internal design for tissue protection the bursa sac. A bursa is a small fluid filled sac located at over 300 points inside our body to allow joints and tissues to move together without pain.
Natures design works on the outside of our body too. Blisters form to protect the skin from further damage when many products we wear and use, namely footwear and gloves, compress at points on our skin; stretching it, pulling it tight and eventually tearing it. The liquid inside a LiquiCellbandage circulates and moves in all directions so your skin doesnt.